Hong Kong Denim Festival 2021 (HKDF2021)

Organized by the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), the first Hong Kong Denim Festival (HKDF) was held from 11 to 27 Jan 2019, Emotional attachment of denim culture was the major focus, which has engaged more than 60,000 visitors from different sectors, including students, designers, manufacturers, retailers, tourists and the general public.

In HKDF2021, the theme is set as “Denim Tomorrow, which aims at building up and promoting the synergy between young design talent and the denim industry through a series of denim techno-related activities. These activities intend to nurture and enlighten creative talents with innovative strategies being applied to denim design and manufacturing that respond to global denim market challenges.

For more information about the HKDF event timetable, please check the following website: https://www.hkdenimfestival.com/events?fbclid=IwAR1JlGlrtspiDfOEh5E3uaqsEhdSC5-4TtV9KNlZxGV2q4r23mvtr5xh3jA

For inquiries about HKDF, please contact HKDI – Mr. Kinyan Lam at tel: +852 3928 2902 / email: kinyanlam@vtc.edu.hk.

ITC – Dean’s Distinguished Industry Lecture Series | Troubled Times Opportunities for the Bold & Determined (25 Feb 2021)

The Institute of Textiles and Clothing, PolyU will have the Dean’s Distinguished Industry Lecture Series | Troubled Times: Opportunities for the Bold & Determined, having Dr Henry Tan, the Chairman of the Textile Council of Hong Kong to be the speaker on 25 Feb 2021 to give an overview on the outlook of the industry and his view on where opportunities are knocking.

Please access via following link for registration:

More information is available from below poster or the following webpage: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/itc/en/news/news-events/?itceventid=560

Free BODW Offer

If you didn’t catch BODW Live, not to worry, BODW is now offering you on-demand access FREE! Sign up by 31 December 2020 to watch over 50 sessions for one month (from 18 December 2020 to 18 January 2021), covering our 3-in-1 contents (BODW Summit + Leadership Forum + DFA Awards).

Get BODW On Demand

If you have watched BODW Live, you can now revisit BODW sessions on demand which we have extended your access from 1 month to 2.5 months (from 18 December 2020 to 28 February 2021), covering our 3-in-1 contents (BODW Summit + Leadership Forum + DFA Awards).

Watch now

Gain valuable insights shared by more than 100 visionaries and creative leaders from BODW, offering simultaneous interpretation in English, Cantonese & Putonghua (not including MasterClasses).

Enquiry: please call Aureole Shum at (+852) 3793 8436

The Hong Kong Showroom & Pop-up Spaces virtual exhibitions

Organized by the Hong Kong Design Centre, the Fashion Asia Hong Kong creates the Hong Kong Showroom & Pop-up Spaces virtual exhibitions to showcase the best of local designs and graduate collections respectively. Experience the virtual exhibitions or discover more details, please visit the link below: https://www.fashionasiahk.com/en/programme/hong-kong-showroom-pop-up-spaces/

For enquiry, please contact Fashion Asia HK via tel.: (+852)2522-8688 or email: (fashionasia@hkdesigncentre.org)



DFA Awards Exhibition 2020

Organized by Hong Kong Design Centre and themed as Design Steers, the DFA Design Awards Exhibition 2020 from 27 Nov to 10 Dec, will exhibiting this year winners’ projects and illustrating an Asian perspective and cultural heritages. Please check their website (https://dfaawards.viewingrooms.com/ ) and below post for more information.

For inquiry, please contact them via tel 2522-8688 or email dfaa@dfaawards.com.

Free webinar experience on Design for Asia Forum at BODW

Focusing on culture, sustainability and experience design, this year HKDC’s Design for Asia Forum will take place on 1 December at BODW, to explore the importance of innovative design in Asia and the times. Enrolment and further information please refer to the post below or link here: https://dfaawards.com/en/news_detail/?id=oFECpcFQQSY

For inquiry, please contact them via tel 2522-8688 or email dfaa@dfaawards.com.

FASHION ASIA 2020 HONG KONG – “Fashion Challenges Digital Forum” (2, 3 Dec 2020)

FASHION ASIA HONG KONG is organizing the two-day Fashion Challenges Digital Forum, themed “Fashion Challenges”, aims to spark dialogue and ignite inspiration amongst various members of the global fashion community. The business of fashion is changing at an unprecedented rate on local, regional and global levels. A new breed of creative visionaries and innovative entrepreneurs must forge ahead, while challenging norms in areas including retail, consumer engagement, image making and global branding.

Conceived with a holistic approach that embraces the entire fashion ecosystem, the forum brings together brand executives, designers, conscious entrepreneurs, image makers, merchandisers, buyers, marketers, strategists and creative leaders from various fields to provide actionable insights and innovative ideas for businesses as they navigate fashion’s ever-changing landscape.

For details of the event agenda and enrollment, please check the following link:


For enquiry, please contact  Fashion Asia Hong Kong at tel: (852) 2522 8688/ email:


Fashion Summit (HK) 2020 – Design for the Future: Fashion Incubation Seminar

Fashion Summit (HK) 2020 will have a upcoming free seminar will be held on 27 Nov 2020 at the Mills to introduce varying Fashion Incubation programmes that could support HK fashion designers. Please see below flyer for more information.

Online Registration Link: http://www.fashionsummit.hk/seminars-activities-seminar-27-nov-2020-the-mills/

Enrolment deadline: 23 Nov 2020

Enquiry: Ms. Hailey Chan (Tel.: 2263 6312 / Email: info@fashionsummit.hk).

ITC – Dean’s Distinguished Industry Lecture Series | Management of Fashion Business under the “New Normal” (23 Nov 2020)

The Institute of Textiles and Clothing, PolyU is proud to present the Dean’s Distinguished Industry Lecture Series, aims to invite renowned industry leaders and highly accomplished professionals to share their insights PolyU students and alumni, enabling them to broaden their horizon and to keep abreast of the latest development in the industry.   We are honor that Ms Shirley Chan, Chairman of YGM Trading Ltd., has accepted our invitation to be the first speaker of the Lecture Series to share her valuable insights, experience, challenges and opportunities in response to the ‘new normal’.

ITC would like to extend their invitation to members of HKITA to this lecture.

Please access via following link for registration:

More information is available from below poster or the following webpage: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/itc/en/news/news-events/?itceventid=560

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact ITC at cgeneral@polyu.edu.hk.  Thank you.


Business of Design Week (BODW) 2020: “VISION 20/21” – Finding Clarity in Uncertainty

VISION 20/21 is about finding clarity in uncertainty

It calls for a creative vision that makes a difference in times of change and ambiguity.

BODW 2020 (themed on VISION 20/21) is a major flagship event in Asia for design, brands and innovation, and brings together visionaries, innovators and creative leaders across sectors and industries from around the world to help redesign a better future. Join us for a series of virtual and hybrid high-level forums, discussions and other creative happenings across Hong Kong for timely insights into trends, leadership and future of  design.

Enjoy 50% off by using promo code for HKITA (SU5A3S4) through online registration system! **Remarks: When filling in the online registration form, please select “BODW Sponsor / Supporting Organisation” at “Where did you hear about BODW 2020?”.

Date: 30 Nov – 5 Dec 2020

Register Now: www.bodw.com/so0052