SFBC Luncheon on 5 June 2019


To all our members:

As the supporting organization, HKITA would like to share with you the following Lunch Gathering, organized by Sustainable Fashion Business Consortium (SFBC), with below details:
SFBC Lunch Gathering
Date: 5th June, 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Venue: 2/F, Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA), 63 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, HONG KONG
Topic: Sustainable Animal Fibres


Guest Speaker:
  1. Ms Jing Dong, Project Manager, Control Union. Lead auditor and consultant of private animal welfare and sustainable agriculture programs for international brands. Master of Organic Agriculture from Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
  2. Mr. Thomas C C WONG , MHKITA; Lead author of fur chapter of Springer Book : Sustainability in Luxury Fashion Business. International Fur Federation (IFF) Board member and Chairman of Audit Committee.

Fee: HK$100/person (including meal and drink)

If you are interested, please see the enrolment form (click here) and return the completed form to info@sfbc.org.hk with bank-in slip of fee (HK$100/person).
Should you have any questions, please contact Ms Annie Yeung | 2263 6336 (Tel) | info@sfbc.org.hk (Email).

Videos of CMS (Chemical Management System)


Understanding Restricted Substances

Best Practices for RSL Compliance

Introduction of Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (MRSL)

Understanding & Interpreting Restricted Substance List (RSL)

Chemical Management System for Compliance

Understanding & Interpreting a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Chemical Safety & Handling Training

Wastewater Treatment in Textile Facility

Guidelines for Hazardous Wastes Management

Risk Assessment of Chemicals

CEPA Leaflets and Success Stories


Pursuant to the signing of the Agreement on Trade in Goods by the Mainland and Hong Kong under Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) framework on 14 December 2018, Trade and Industry Department (TID) has updated the leaflet to introduce the latest liberalisation measures and implementation details of CEPA. The CEPA leaflet is now available at the following website links:

(i) Traditional Chinese version

(ii) Simplified Chinese version

(iii) English version

TID has also prepared a booklet of CEPA Success Stories with 11 companies sharing their valuable experience in exploring the Mainland market through CEPA.  The booklet is available for download at the TID website below:

(i) Traditional Chinese version

(ii) Simplified Chinese version

(iii) English version

In addition, the new CEPA video (Cantonese version) has been uploaded onto TID’s website which aims to showcase the advantages of CEPA to local and external investors. You may wish to watch the video via the following link: https://www.tid.gov.hk/tc_chi/cepa/webcast/cpea_201904.html

More details about CEPA can be found on their website (https://www.tid.gov.hk/english/cepa/).

Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)


Please find below link for the CEPA Success Stories featuring 11 companies sharing their valuable experience in exploring the Mainland market through CEPA:


There are few hard copies available in HKITA. Should any HKITA member is interested to have one, please contact us at info@hkita.org.

Announcement on HKITA Committee Members (2019/20)

13 Jul 2019 & 9 Nov 2019

HKITA has formed the Committee Members for the year of 2019/20 with effect from 13 July 2019 and updated the list on 9 November 2019 as described below:


Prof. Fan Jintu (Chairman)
Mr. Kelvin Cheuk (Vice Chairman)
Prof. John Xin (Vice Chairman)
Prof. Kan Chi Wai (Hon. Secretary)
Mr. Steven Leung (Hon. Treasurer)
Ms. Elita Lam (Coordinator of Education Committee)
Ms. Man Lau (Coordinator of Internal Affairs Committee)
Dr. Roger Ng (Coordinator of External Affairs Committee)
Prof. Philip Yeung (Coordinator of Membership Committee)
Dr. Eddie Chan (Committee Member)
Mr. Spike Ngai (Committee Member)
Mr. Daniel Tsun (Committee Member)
Ms. Cherry Wong (Committee Member)
Mr. Michael Yeung (Committee Member)

(in no particular order)

(Updated: 9 November 2019)